Thursday, June 19, 2008

Praises and Prayer Requests

Praise: That God is helping me find endorsers for the book. For quiet and focus to manage our home in a way I've not done for three years! For the opportunity to meet weekly with a very hungry-for-God 50 yr. old woman who went through a devastating and unexpected divorce 30 days ago. For good financial giving to Pillars in the last 30 days. For faith-friends in this area where I live with whom I am praying that God open doors in this community. Prayer: That I will have some clear guidance from the TV station as to the 16 spots in October. For the Spirit's guidance as to the themes to treat for that ministry. For safe travel for both Bill and I as we go first to Mpls. next week, and then to Chicago. For safety for Bill as he's traveling in Egypt right now, and returns Saturday night. Thanks so much, dear friends. Every blessing and much peace be yours, Ruth

Friday, June 13, 2008

Plan B!

Dear friends, We are trying a Blog as a different way to communicate to Ruth's Circle of Friends. It has some of the same advantages of the previous site - we can post prayer requests and updates, and you can post comments, encouragements, questions, etc. You can also subscribe to this site as a feed, and receive automatic updates on your computer - it checks the site for updates and posts them to your computer, so you can stay current with minimal effort on your part. If you have any comments or suggestions for ways to improve this site or any of our communication to you, we welcome your ideas. Leave them here, or e-mail us at